The growth of technology has led to the evolution of digital evidences, and the use of  forensic computers has become a necessity in investigative practices. Forensic computers help experts to extract digital evidences, preserve them and ensure that they remain admissible in court. Digital forensic is a technical field that requires an expert with knowledge of hardware and software. In this article, we will discuss the basics of forensic computers, including what it is, how it works, and the tools used in digital analysis.

What is a Forensic Computer?

A forensic computer is a tool used to recover and analyze digital evidence of a crime scene. The process of digital forensics involves the preservation, acquisition, and analysis of digital data. The forensic computer helps to ensure that the data extracted is accurate, reliable, and admissible in court.

How Does Forensic Computer Work?

Forensic computer experts use special tools to extract the digital evidence from electronic devices such as mobile phones, hard drives, and laptops. The first step of the digital forensic process is data preservation. Data preservation aims to safeguard the digital evidence from being tampered with or corrupted. Once the data is preserved, the next step is data acquisition, where the digital evidence is extracted and copied into a secure environment. The third step is data analysis, where forensic experts use specialized software to analyze the digital data and extract relevant information that can be used as evidence in a court of law.

Tools Used in Digital Analysis

Digital forensic analysis requires specialized tools to ensure that the data extracted is accurate and reliable. There are numerous tools used in digital analysis, including data imaging tools that help forensic experts to create an exact copy of the hard drive’s contents. There are also data analysis tools that help experts in scanning the extracted data for relevant evidence such as deleted emails, chat logs, and files that have been hidden or encrypted. Other tools used in digital forensic analysis include password-recovery tools, registry analysis tools, and metadata analysis tools.

Challenges Facing Digital Forensics

The use of forensic computers in digital investigative practices comes with various challenges. One of the most significant challenges is data tampering. Data tampering refers to the intentional or unintentional alteration of digital evidence. Digital forensic experts need to ensure that the data extracted remains unchanged from the original source. Other challenges include the evolution of technology, where new hardware and software are introduced, requiring experts to keep up with the changes.


Forensic computers play a crucial role in digital investigative practices. Digital forensics requires specialized knowledge and tools to ensure that the data extracted is accurate, reliable, and admissible in court. In this article, we have discussed the basics of forensic computers, how they work, and the challenges that come with their use. It is essential to seek expert input in digital forensics, as it plays a significant role in the success of legal investigations.

By Justin